During this summer I have been writing a piece for tenor recorder and live electronics to be performed by Clara Guldberg Ravn at the Open Days festival in Aalborg.
distans [-aŋ´sel.-an´s] substantiv ~en ~er di·stans·en 1 sträcka JFR avstånd 2 knappast plur. undvikande av social eller känslomässig kontakt

The piece delves into my experience of the Corona pandemic and explores the concept of distance from different perspectives. The distance between us now and the distance of time. A technological distans in the shape of an Arduino ultrasonic sensor inputs the distance between Clara’s flute and her body which controls a filter. The distance lost of a concert with Konversationer that had to be cancelled due to the restrictions between Denmark and Sweden. The piece uses samples from Konversationer which Clara premier last year and reminisces a concert lost in time.
The piece will be premier September 13 at the Open Days festival in Aalborg and performed again 14 September at Brabrand Kulturuge close to Aarhus.