Johan Blixt is a swedish composer born 1991 in Karlstad where he also grew up. Graduated from the Royal Swedish University College of Music in 2017 with a masters in composition.
Since graduating Johan’s focus has been primarily on chamber music and theatre work. Trying to combine acoustic instruments with electronic music as well as using more experimental electronics such as Arduino sensors to extend the instrument’s sonic scope.

He has been composing for about 10 years and his music has been played by Blåsarsymfonikerna [Swedish Wind Ensemble], Norrbotten NEO, KMH Symfoniorkester [the Royal college of music’s Symphony orchestra] and Karlstad Orkesterförening [Karlstad Music society]. In venues such as Berwaldhallen, Musikaliska, Fylkingen, Karlstad domkyrka och Kulturhuset Stockholm.
Johan started his musical education as a french horn player at Karlstad Kulturskola as a ten year old. Later moving on to Sundstagymnasiet [Sundsta Highschool] playing french horn and electric guitar as well as studying composition and studio engineering.
In the third year of high school Johan became interested in composition and attended two years of composition studies at Ingesunds Musikhögskola [Ingesund College of music] for Philip Miller and Sverker Magnusson. As well as taking conducting lessons.
Johan then moved to Stockholm to study a bachelor in composition at Kungl. Musikhögskolan [the Royal college of music] for Pär Lindgren. He has his focus on notated music but also works in the studio with electronic music. Johan graduated from the bachelor program by writing his exam piece Kanoper for the KMH Symfoniorkester [the Royal college of music’s Symphony orchestra] which was played at the Swedish radio’s concert hall Berwaldhallen.
In the spring of 2017 he finished working on his first opera, which is a short chamber opera about the end of the world with text by Emma Palmkvist and will be preformed by students from Operahögskolan [Opera college in Stockholm] in April 2017.
Johan will graduate from the masters program in composition at Kungl. Musikhögskolan in the summer of 2017.
During his years at Kungl. Musikhögskolan Johan attended masterclasses and lessons for Salvatore Sciarrino, Carola Bauckholt, Klas Torstensson, Bill Brunson and Per Mårtensson.
Johan’s practice gravitates around a series of questions about wholeness contra loneliness, small against large and a search for integration between the gestalt and the material.
He tries to seek contrast between structural parts in the music, tearing them apart and weaving them back together again.
Johan has also worked administratively in festivals such as ”Sound of Stockholm” and ljudOljud as well as being engaged in the student union at Kungl. Musikhögskolan.
Sound engineering
Johan has worked extensively as a sound engineer during his life doing live concerts, recordings and movie sound.
He has also mastered and produced several recordings of classical and pop music.
Working with recovering bad recordings as well as making good recordings sound better.
Read more about what services I can provide in the contact page.
Johan is strongly engaged in the music milieu in Stockholm and Sweden and is currently serving as second vice chair of the Swedish Society of Composers (FST) as well as it’s board since 2020. Alternate board member of STIM [Swedish Performing Rights Society] since 2020. And the chair of Chair of Stockholm music society Samtida Music since 2018.
Johan has previously been the chair of the student council at the Royal University College of Music as well as serving on its board of directors. Been involved in the curating program council of Sound of Stockholm. And as the chair of Stockholms Studentkårers Centralorganisation (SSCO) 2017/2018.
Kungl. Musikaliska Akademiens nationella stipendium (2021) [Royal Swedish Academy of Music]
Wettergrens stiftelsens utbildningstipendium (2019) [Wettergren Foundation Scholarship]
Wermländska Sällskapets Lussestipendium (2017) [Wermlandian Society St. Lucia Scholarship]
Kungl. Musikhögskolans stipendium till särskilt förtjänstfulla studenter (2017) [Royal University College of Music Scholarship]
Tonsättarstipendium Föreningen Svenska Tonsättare (2016) [Swedish Society of Composers]
Gertrude och Ivar Philipsons stiftelse (2016)